Belong with the people of Jesus.
Be the people of His Kingdom.
Our Belong Class is your chance to learn abut the history, beliefs, and valus of Christ’s Family Church. Belong Classes are held every other month with exception to Summer. Click “Register” to sign up for our next Belong Class.
We can't wait to walk alongside of you as you become apart of this loving family we get to gather with each week. If you haven’t taken our Belong Class yet, please click “Belong” above as it is a prerequisite to membership. Click “apply” below to apply for membership.
At Christ’s Family, we believe deeply that to grow Christ is to belong in community. This is one of the defining markers of the way of Jesus: That those who follow Jesus, “though many, form one body.” (Rom. 12:5) Scroll to explore belonging at Christ’s Family Church.
We believe life happens in a group, and when we gather together in Family Groups we grow closer to each other and to Christ. Click “Groups” below to find a Family Group!
At Christ's Family, we believe God has gifted you uniquely to serve His kingdom and we want to do everything we can to maximize those gifts as we seek to live God's truth and grow followers of Jesus in the Quad Cities. Click “Serve” below to fill out our Serve form.
Those who belong to Christ should become more like Him. As we seek to grow followers of Jesus, there are several ways you can become more like Him at Christ’s Family Church.
One of our goals as a church is to grow closer to God, and the best way to do that is through reading and engaging with scripture. You can find our daily readings that we as a church will be going through monthly by clicking “Beyond Sunday” below.
One of our desires at Christ's Family is to live God's truth, and part of that means knowing God's truth. Each Sunday we're blessed to open God's word and to learn more about what God has revealed to us, specifically in Christ Jesus. Click "Watch" below to view current and past sermon series.